Dirk Thater

Dirk Thater


  • Frankfurt am Main
  • +49 69 56030303

Dirk Thater

Partner, CPC

  • Frankfurt am Main
  • +49 69 56030303

Biography and expertise

Dirk is partner at CPC and is responsible for the Energy & Public Sectors. His focus lies in the areas of leadership, empowerment, and the development of change capabilities.

Dirk studied mechanical engineering and initially worked in plant engineering. His career as a consultant began at an international management consultancy, where he successfully managed strategy, re-organisation and implementation projects. Dirk then worked for over ten years in various management positions at Deutsche Bahn. Among others, as program manager, he led the transformation of a business unit in a liberalising market and the development and expansion of international business activities in local rail passenger transport.

Today, his experience helps Dirk to support his clients in their transformation process. From strategy definition, deriving the definition of the organizational design up to the successful implementation. Herein particular through the creation of a sustainable framework, through an accompanying Change Management, continuous development of leadership skills and empowerment of the entire organization in the new roles and attitudes.


  • Energy & Utilities
  • Public Sector
  • Travel, Transport & Logistics


  • Change Management
  • Leadership & Organization
  • Strategy